Ed Spencer
Published in
2 min readFeb 25, 2019


It stands to reason the more harmonious your team, the better it knows each other and enjoys each other’s company, the better workplace environment you will have — and the better ideas and creativity you’ll get.

Here’s a great game to help you have a bit of fun — and keep the play part of your brain PUMPING.


USE/AIM: promote team unity, have fun, get new perspectives, to learn to see without preconceptions, gather info for a new brainstorm, break inter-departmental ice

DURATION: how long’s a piece of string

HOW MANY: min 4


1 — Pair up the players — preferably with team members who don’t know each so well/rarely work together. We want them to get to know each other. One player is the camera, the other is the photographer.

2 — The photographer stands behind the camera (whose eyes — the camera lense — are shut). The camera’s right shoulder is the shutter.

3 — A photo is taken when the photographer takes a photograph by taps the camera on the right shoulder. At that instance, the camera opens and closes their eyes quickly (just as the shutter of a camera does). Get the camera to say three things about the photo they have just taken. (optional — get third player to record. Don’t be afraid to draw what is described.)

NOTE TO THE ‘CAMERA’: Open your eyes only for a second. That way you will see what’s in front of you (take a picture) with no preconceived notions. A rapid series of recorded impressions gives the experience of seeing only what is, not what is perceived through your filters. This will help you learn how to reduce preconceptions when you face a new problem.

4 — The photographer walks the camera around, guiding them by the shoulders and positioning them in front of different scenes. Keep moving and snapping for say three or four pictures (but that’s up to you)

5 — swap the players round so they have a go at the other role.

6 — ask the players to report back with their findings — and use the results to freeform brainstorm with regards your problem statement.

  • with ideas from Thinkertoys — Michael Michalko

Ideaflip is an ingenious tool for the remote-working era, providing the perfect, online space for all your team to connect, interact and create — wherever in the world they are.

The Ideaflip Brainstorm PROCESS is also perfect for at-work collaboration. It democratises the workplace, creating a platform for everyone to have their ideas heard — inspiring PEOPLE to participate through PLAY and helps discover and harness everyone’s latent creativity.

Ideaflip. Better Ideas Together. Everywhere.

